Fig. 3. Decrease of cell migration by siPHGDH or NCT503 in papillary thyroid cancer cell lines in relation to glucose utility. (A) Representative Western blot images of PHGDH expression in TPC-1 and BCPAP cells after knockdown of PHGDH. (B) Migration assay in TPC-1 cells with siPHGDH in relation to glucose concentrations in media. (C) Migration assay in BCPAP cells with siPHGDH in relation to glucose concentrations in media. (D) Migration assay in TPC-1 cells with NCT503 in relation to glucose concentrations in media. (E) Migration assay in BCPAP cells with NCT503 in relation to glucose concentrations in media. These experiments are representative of more than three independent experiments. *p<0.05, **p<0.01
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