International Journal of Thyroidology

Table. 1.

Table. 1.

Clinicopathological characteristics

IS group (n=100) IR group (n=44) p value
Sex (F:M) 72:28 37:7 0.119
Age (years) 47.2±1.1 47.5±1.9 0.885
Body mass index (m2/kg) 23.4±0.3 23.5±0.5 0.848
Positive of preoperative auto antibody (n) 22 (22.0%) 8 (18.2%) 0.630
Preoperative TSH (μIU/mL) 1.8±0.1 2.0±0.1 0.671
Postoperative TSH (μIU/mL)
3 months 3.6±0.2 4.5±0.5 0.049
6 months 3.6±0.2 5.2±0.7 0.026
12 months 3.1±0.2 3.7±0.4 0.419
24 months 3.0±0.1 3.1±0.3 0.275
Tumor size (cm) 1.0.±0.1 0.9±0.1 0.740
Diagnosis (n) 0.243
Papillary cancer 83 39
Benign 15 5
Follicular cancer 2 0
Retrieved lymph node (n) 5.1±0.3 6.1±0.6 0.141
Metastatic lymph node (n) 0.5±0.1 0.7±0.2 0.444
Thyroiditis (n) 14 (14.0%) 9 (20.5%) 0.330

IR: isthmus removing, IS: isthmus saving, TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone

Int J Thyroidol 2023;16:120-7
© 2023 Int J Thyroidol