International Journal of Thyroidology

Table. 2.

Table. 2.

Classification of included economic evaluation studies on thyroid cancer

Reclassification according to the theoretical method of economic evaluation

CA CMA CEA (including CUA) Total

Classification in method of economic evaluation in existing literature CA 5 4 - 9
CMA - 2 1 3
CEA (including CUA) - 2 35 37
Total 5 8 36 49
Cohen’s Kappa indexa (95% CI)=0.77 (0.63-0.92) p-value=5.36×10−25


Classification in method of economic evaluation in existing studies CA 5 4 - - 9
CMA - 2 1 - 3
CEA - 2 4 23 29
CUA - - 1 7 8
Total 5 8 6 30 49
Cohen’s Kappa indexa (95% CI)=0.47 (0.33-0.62) p-value=2.56×10−10

CA: cost analysis, CEA: cost-effectiveness analysis, CI: confidence interval, CMA: cost-minimization analysis, CUA: cost-utility analysis, HT:hemithyroidectomy, ICER: incremental of cost-effectiveness ratio, N: number, PTC: papillary thyroid carcinoma, QALY: quality-adjusted life year, TT: total thyroidectomy

Based on the classification by reviewers, 4 CA articles were re-defined as CMA articles, 1 CMA article was re-defined as a CEA article, 2 CEA articles were re-defined as CMA articles, 23 CEA articles were re-defined as CUA articles, and lastly, 1 CUA article was re-defined as a CEA article.

aWeighted index.

Int J Thyroidol 2022;15:74-104
© 2022 Int J Thyroidol